#006 Breaking free

January 6, 2018 at 11:53 pm (A Day in the Life)

Take a deep breath. Inhale the stench of your surroundings. Your stench. As if thousands of pigs took a dump at the same place simultaneously and their droppings were left there to decompose. Panic, then shove your nose up your armpits to save yourself from the awful smell and realize that this is you. Relish at the thought that you’ve made it. You have indeed rotten and now you represent all that is loathsome and impure in your species.

You are one of us now.

Hospitalized in the same institution they saved for all the mentally deranged. Right here with us. So we can all witness your becoming and squeal in pure delight and pleasure and agony and pain. Unite your voice with ours and add yet another block og ugliness in this perfect world you love in. Make sure your taint is unique and be noticed and admired for it. You earned it. Your name is of little consequence. All that matters is that you are now part of a greater whole, be it Athens, New York, Tokyo, London… you name it. Walk the streets and find that there are others like you, clad in the colors of decay, brandishing the emblems of corruption, their skin carved with the symbol of the One True God: The Self. Race against the clock 24/7, heed no warning, fear no omen, until the cage is complete. You are on your own now. The others do not matter. Why should they? They have their own cages to built. Your eyes are black now, reflecting nothing but isolation and hatred and envy. You made it at last. Your skin is pale, veins showing clearly, just veins though…

And then it starts. Just a drumbeat at first, the sound increases and widens gradually, until it grows to become the song that once shaped your life. Something flickers inside you, something you took great pains to learn to ignore during your Descent. But you can’t anymore. How many years have passed? The iron bars seem to be new, polished and shining, sending all light back to where it came from. At ease, you lean the husk of flesh that used to be your body upon them and they break, revealing a rusting interior. It is breached now, and the volume of your song is magnified as the bars collapse the one after the other. Your creation is destroyed beyond your very eyes, now red, and you seem content and terrorized at the same time.

What now?

The music is unbearably loud and there is nothing to save you from it anymore. Your corpse begins to dance against your will. Bits and pieces of violet flesh detach from it, as the motion grows more and more violent with every passing second. How many of those flew by you? When was the last time you noticed? The dance takes a twist now, and you willingly fling yourself on the walls with all the strength you can muster, gathering momentum continuously. Rage as you destroy your shell, yourself. Nothing worth keeping anyway. In your final gray moment before the dead pair of black eyes fall off, leaving a lot more than just empty sockets, you realize it was all in vane. Your lids close, then burst open, revealing shimmering twin bright lights.

And the world is born anew…

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