#002 Break away

January 2, 2018 at 11:22 pm (A Day in the Life)

People say the first step is always the hardest.
But people don’t know.

Everyone can take the first, tiny, short step into uncharted territory. Be it by ignorance, curiosity, defiance or uncertainty, they gain a resemblance of motivation to extend a foot out of their comfort zone and move their body forward, while firmly keeping the other on the starting point. They tiptoe around in the dark, feeling the ground, sensing their surroundings, cherishing the reassurance that if things go wrong, they can just shift their weight and immediately find themselves back to base.

Safe. Secure. Protected.

It takes guts to move away from your nest, to swim far from the shore in search of the perfect seashell, to test your weaknesses and discover your limits, to listen to how your voice changes when you scream in delight and absolute despair. To look into the mirror and realize the beauty of your eyes isn’t what you want to show, but what you cannot hide.To tear down your home so you don’t retreat to what keeps hurting you, just because it’s familiar. To acknowledge without expecting appreciation. To apologize without asking for forgiveness. To be absolutely confident that you are all you’ve got, and you are capable of everything.

Everyone can take the first step.
Only the true at heart make it to the second.

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